Me ringing a 100 year old churchbell

Me ringing a 100 year old churchbell
May God's Glory Be Known Everytime A Churchbell is Rung and Heard
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Friday, June 7, 2013

Space Needle carillon at the 1963 seatlle world's fair

On late night tv,  I came across a documented tv special on the 1963 Seatlle World's fair, and it was before my time but it sounded like a really fun place to go, although the NY world's fair would've been closer. Anyway, with all the fun, action, and exhibits and activities as well as a look into the high tech world of tommorrow, a series of electronic bells were heard playing at the top of the Space Needle tower. It was a Schulmerich Americana Carillon electronic playing device, which the songs were played by Mr. John Klein. He was up inside the top of the tower playing a variety of songs on this electroinc carillon, and it was heard all throughout the park. The songs sounded really beautiful as heard duing the special, and I would've loved to get a copy of those songs. A LP record called HiFi bells was released in 1963 featuring a few songs played on the Schulmerich carillon for about $20. Sadly I don't have a record player anymore, and I've attempted to contact the original record company Americana Records online to see if a digital download of the record is available to purchase. Hopefully a digital version will be available. They also had a carillion performance at the Coca Cola exhibition building during another world's fair. It might've been in NY.

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