Me ringing a 100 year old churchbell

Me ringing a 100 year old churchbell
May God's Glory Be Known Everytime A Churchbell is Rung and Heard
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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bells and their Music By Wendell Wescott

I found a cool book in our library within the children's section called "Bells and their Music" By Wendell Wescott. I found the book to be very informative and facinating, as it had photos, illustratoins that explained the history of bells, and how their music had influenced our community.  What I found interesting was a photo of a church that their bells hanging from a rope or something and being exposed under the roof right above the entrance way. They also show the process of  making those chruchbells within a foundry. The book also contains a floppy record containing various bell recordings from 1970. Very nice bell music.  As within somne carillons, there are clock towers that ring  those bells automatically, and it works just like a giant music box. There's a giant wheel with tons holes to place metal  pegs inside. As the whell turns, the peg presses onto a lever, which pulls the cord and rings the bell. And each of the pegs are placed within a certain hole, as each peg will ring a different bell to play it'ssong. Not to mention of some of the  carillons of the world where you see how high up it is and all the bells that are seen. True that the chimer, must climb to the top of the carillon  by stairs to play the bells, but the mechanical version makes it convenient, but occasional matinence is needed for proper function. I never got tired of reading that book, and I think that the book is  available to read online, but alas, they don't have the recording of the bells. But our library in Hicksville Ny has a copy of the book with the record inside.

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