Me ringing a 100 year old churchbell

Me ringing a 100 year old churchbell
May God's Glory Be Known Everytime A Churchbell is Rung and Heard
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Friday, August 13, 2010

electronic chuchbells

This does make it easier for churches to play bell music to spread about their message of hope, peace, and the joy of our lord Jesus Christ. But  my curiosity back then was how it was done, and where they would place such a device. Interesting that sometimes  I managed to get a glimpse of what their bell system was, as I learened what they looked like on the internet. The whole reason I wanted to know about what chuchbell system certain chuches had was to look it up on the internet for more info about it.
So even if the church desides or something happends to their bell system and the bells get silenced. I'll know the name of the churchbell system a specific church used and then have a reference of it on the internet. Sometimes the webiste may have a few downloadable samples of what their churchbell system sounds like. So It's a perfecf way for me to remember those bells, since  they don't sell Cd's of electronic churchbell music in the stores.
            One day, I happen to notice that the Plainview church's bell system and I remember the same Sanyo written on the device. I checked out the website of Sanyo and their sound systems. They do play churchbell music, but they don't have it available to listen to online. These churchbells are a memory for me as I heard them when I was young, and don't want to lose them in the future.