Me ringing a 100 year old churchbell

Me ringing a 100 year old churchbell
May God's Glory Be Known Everytime A Churchbell is Rung and Heard
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Sunday, August 26, 2012

how I made my churchbell ringing dream come true

I've always wanted to ring a churchbell, as It sounded like alot of  fun of pulling on a rope to ring the bell. But as the story starts, back then, alot of  chuches had their churchbells digitized by an electronic carillon system that automatically played a simulated churchbell sound. Pretty good though. Within my years of searching, I found that there were some rare churches that still rang their churchbell manually,but I never got to go to their churches, but I do remember seeing their giant churchbell in their tower and got excited the few times I saw it being rung. Another piece of inspiration was from the Davey and Goliath episode "The Bell Ringer" when Davey gets to help Mr. Op the church custodian to help ring the churchbell. He also got to ring the churchbell at the end of the "New Year" special and got assistance as his younger sister Sally got to hold onto the rope to help ring the big churchbell to bring in the new year.
        In later years, when I moved to my new home, the area seemed old fashioned and there were still some churches that still ring their churchbell. I remember going to one church and discovered that their churchbell is still rung, but this time the rope stretched across as pulled the clapper to ring the bell hanging outside and on the roof of the church. There was an incident of a few times I went to the church, where one of the ministers of the  church had yelled at me very harshly upon me asking if I could help to ring the churchbell. he yelled at me saying "NO! NO! NO! NO! DON'T ASK ME AGAIN! DON'T ASK ME AGAIN!!!!" Now I didn't go and ask him every single day, as I didn't come to that church every Sunday, I had gotten upset and nervous since the minister yelled at me harshly. I thought that nobody should ever get yelled at in God's house. I had attempted to speak to the person in charge of the church and informed her of the minister who yelled at me. She understood and would speak to him, but I never went back to that church as I feared that the minister would see me and yell at me even harsher.  I've read about various churches in the United Kingdom and such that still have their churchbells to be rung by pulling a rope, is rung by other people, and they are not ministers.  They pull on the ropes to ring the bells in a  certain order to learn change ringing and  various othe ringing songs and skills.
           I had found a free program that allowed me to do just that and it was very amazing, but the biggest acomplishment was yet to come. I had gome to another church on Sundays, where they ring their bell to announce the start of worship. The Pastor was very nice, and I had asked her one day if I could ring their  churchbell. She said yes, and arranged the special moment with the ushers. I was excited that I was going to finally achieve my ultimate goal of ringing a churchbell. I got their early, and told the ushers and they took me to be seated to wait for the moment. My heart was pounding in excitement, then one of the ushers  came and guided me to a room where we all said a prayer. A few moments later, the big moment came. The usher guided me and I held onto the rope and pulled it when it was time to ring the churchbell.
BONG BONG BONG BONG BONG,was heard as I successfully rang their churchbell as I rang it 10 times. It was one of the most special feelings I had. So in my mind, I proved the minister who yelled at me in that church wrong. So I won't be gonig back to that first church anytime soon, as it was wrong for the minister to yell at me like that. Maybe there was a little kid that wanted to ring that bell and  constantly asked him day after day, and that's what got him mad. Interesting enough that one of our neighboors works in that church and I  feel uneasy when I see them, as they knew what I had done, and I guess I feel ashamed to talk to them.  Chances are they've written down the incident and have me down on their record, since I did attend their church at times for worship and just sat down in the pew and not ask if I  could ring the bell. Most other times I went upstairs to sit in the balcony as sometimes they performed a handbell choir during Easter and Christmas, which was great to hear.
      So with my acomplishment, I felt proud and happy and that maybe just because one person says you can't do it or you're not allowed, there just might be a way to acomplish it, and all I had to do was ask.