Me ringing a 100 year old churchbell

Me ringing a 100 year old churchbell
May God's Glory Be Known Everytime A Churchbell is Rung and Heard
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Sunday, July 31, 2011

My long life dream has come true in ringing a churchbell

For many long years, I've always wanted to ring a churchbell, as it's sweet melodies and songs have brought me joy and comfort  and peace of mind. Well,  that dream had finally come true. Thanks to a church I went to. When she called me on the phone, I had asked the Pastor  for her permission to ring the churchbell, and had gotten her ok to do it. So as nervous as I was, I went to the church on Sunday morning right before their 9 a.m. service. Then I had asked for one of their ushers, who was a very nice gentleman,. I had informed him that the pastor had given me the ok to ring the churchbell to call for worship. After discussing it, he had showed me where their churchbell was. Their chuchbell is 100 years old and is still rung the traditional way of pulling the rope.  I had also asked for the Usher to take my picture of me ringing the bell as a momentous memory for me. The time came, I grab hold of the rope, and began pulling it. The Churchbell began ringing it sweet melody sound "Bong, Bong" It was a dream come true.. The usher instructed me to ring the chuchbell 10 times or 10 bongs. Which was plenty for me. And overall the whole thing was a dream that finally came true, and it was a wonderous experience to last a lifetime.